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Month: May 2015

ADL, Hate Group – Why many people call the “Anti-Defamation League” the “Defamation League”

Other nicknames for it are the “Anti-Palestinian League,” the “Anti-Muslim League,” the “Anti-Arab League,” the “Anti-Truth League,” “The Anti-Justice League,” etc.

The ADL has a pattern of attacking people who provide facts they dislike about Israel-Palestine. A great many of the diverse organizations, writers and speakers who provide significant, factual information about Israeli oppression and violence against Palestinians – including Jewish individuals – are called “anti-Semitic.”

I’ve written about this in my article: “A Modest Proposal to the Anti-Defamation League.”

An excellent article that discusses the ADL’s role in creating Islamophobia is “The Great Islamophobic Crusade.”

A short piece I wrote rebutting some of their accusations in their extremely long dossier about me is “Anti-Defamation League Defames Me – My Letter to the ADL.”

A documentary about the ADL made by an Israeli filmmaker is Defamation – a trailer is here.

For decades the ADL has bullied people, intimidated victims, and spread vicious misinformation. It’s time for everyone to stand up to this hate group and expose and oppose its nasty agenda.


The diverse movement for justice

I’m on a speaking tour in the northeastern United States and am being hosted in the homes of a wonderfully diverse array of committed, principled human beings – religious and secular; Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other; old and young.

This is representative of the extraordinarily diverse collection of people working for justice in Palestine, who are of all ethnicities, races, ages, faiths, and political backgrounds.

While Israel apologists immediately call all of us, even those who are Jewish, “anti-Semitic,” the fact is that I consistently find people who are committed to fairness and respect for all people and who are profoundly opposed to bigotry.

Since Israel partisans can’t refute our facts, they attack the messenger with untruths and nasty names.

Nevertheless, our ranks are growing as we’re being joined by courageous individuals of all backgrounds who are daring to speak out against the bullying that has too long warped American policies.

As we join together in our determination to bring justice and end violence and oppression, we will eventually, I have no doubt, overcome.