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Month: December 2012

Advertisements in New York Times and beyond

The ad below ran in the New York Times on Dec 12th, 2012. Below this are other billboards and advertisements we’re placing. Please donate so that we can do this all over the country. Email if you’d like to place these in your area. 


Newspaper ad (click on image below for high resolution version):

The number of Palestinians killed actually was even larger than this – 173, at least 43 of them children (some people died of their injuries a few days later). Details about the children can be seen at Remember These Children, and the names and ages for all those killed in Gaza can be seen at the PalestineFromMyEyes website.

May they all rest in peace and may the world stop these endless cruel and ruthless assaults. Please take action to end the US support that makes all this possible and that prevents justice and peace.