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Still waiting for Michigan Radio response

I’m still waiting for a response from Michigan Radio.

I notice that among its $5,000-level sponsors is the Michigan chapter of the Nature Conservancy, which does advocacy work.

To reiterate: we’re not suggesting that Michigan Radio prohibit these groups from having ads; our point is that if some or all of these advocacy groups are allowed to be Michigan Radio sponsors, why is our organization — which does not even do lobbying — prohibited?

And now there is an additional, secondary point: Michigan Radio’s bizarre failure to respond to my phone calls and emails. This conduct is arrogant, and — particularly now that it is sending misleading emails about me to the public — highly unethical.

Yesterday afternoon I sent the following letter to Michigan Radio’s director, Stephen Schram:

Steve Schram
Director of Broadcasting
Michigan Radio

Dear Mr. Schram,

I am forwarding a message (below) that I sent to your station yesterday morning.

In addition, I have phoned your station numerous times over the past week, as I expect you’re aware. Yet, no one in your business department has returned my calls.

I find it bizarre — and highly unethical — for your station to send an email about me while refusing to communicate with me. Worse still, the email being sent to the public is highly misleading.

For the past week I have made continued efforts to obtain information and clarification from your company, to no avail.

In my email to Mr. Jonas I indicated that our organization is interested in becoming a sponsor. Yet, again, I have received no reply
I would expect more from a publicly funded institution.

I look forward to your response.

[My earlier letter to Jonas, published yesterday, then followed.]